Extreme Poses

After half a year of break, it is time to get back to the stress life. I was expecting the lecturer to at least let us off easy for the first week considering most of us are new, but damn was I was wrong. First day of class and we received assignment 1 whereby we had to study the human positions in different yet common activities. It is after a couple of trys that I realised how out of practice I am. Here's the result of my work.

What do you think?

Welcome to part 2. MS.Sharmila decided to surprise us with something special. Behold, PART 2! From the 12, we were asked to choose 3 activities and this is what I came up with. From the picture below, all the images are in the scale of 1:20.

Jumping over the fence. I wanted to pick an item that would show my body's full movement. And as you can see, i have tried different styles to maximize the pose.

Sitting using the laptop. I chose a rather simple position that I'm sure everyone can familiarize with. Here I am at home sitting on a platform. And so I experimented on poses that restless individuals would take in.

And lastly, the last activity for this assignment is reaching for the book. This pose is one that I feel many take for granted. Something simple but yet for me to put in sketch form was a little problematic.

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